Creative Ways To Start Your Day Right! Thought of the Day





This article provides readers with better creative ideas to start their day off right. Change Your Mind, and change your world once you hold a belief, it tends to stick with us for the rest of our lives, unless we challenge it. Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be, It covers topics such as setting a goal, planning out the day, and taking time to relax. It also provides tips on how to stay motivated and focused throughout the day.

Creative Ways to Start Your Day Right! Thought of the Day

if you want to change your life my friends you got to change your physiology and you got to change your focus when you're trying to get wealthy you want to literally you want to go all in and it's not a bet you need to know the space so well that you're like I know for sure this is going to work you can't have a standard education and expect to have an extraordinary life it's not going to happen.



The one breakthrough for all leaders is a constant never-ending improvement.

That means educating yourself and continuing to develop even greater emotional mastery because that's what affects whether you execute or not the opportunity for self-education is there we have to change our psychology from I'm going to do what everybody else does and I'm mad because it doesn't work anymore to the reality is this is the greatest time to be alive if you're growing you're learning you're educating and you're developing valuable skills so instead of complaining you've got to say where are

The skill sets valued in the marketplace.
how do I work harder on myself than anything else because if I become more valuable then I will be able to give more do more, and change more interviewed Warren Buffett and asked about the most important investment he ever made in his life.

You know what he said it was I was thinking about all.

the companies he has done you know he said Tony go into Dale Carnegie said what he goes because by developing myself that's the most important investment those skills sets learning how to persuade learning how to speak learning how to influence all my ideas would have died on my lips if I hadn't been able to influence and I learned it from that little course.

the most valuable thing ever in
my life he said think of this for a moment do you know that every living soul gets exactly the same amount of time exactly, the same amount of time figure it out you can manage your activities and make certain that


What you're doing really makes a difference make certain.
that you're spending your time on activities that are productive and that are taking you in the direction of your goal the traits that make you strange are the gifts that make you specialist's 

The very things that make you different that make you authentic.
if you don't fit in I just want to share with you I've never fit in and the very nature of anyone who's living a visionary life there's something inside of us that wants to make things better we want to be better as people want to become more do more share more.

Create more give more but you know it's not quite what really works for us because we want all these things we think are going to make us happy we want to grow and contribute but then what happens is everybody wants a great body but nobody wants to work out right.

What you've got to understand is that progress equals happiness.
if you know what you want you can make consistent progress you're going to get there you're going to get to where you really want to be where that sense of passion aliveness, and results you want really do occur step one remember a compelling vision what do you truly want what excites you whatneeds it needs to be specific and measurable.

Most importantly it's got to get your energy going
two you need strong enough reasons to follow through and the tough situation show up, a purpose that drives you.

you need that massive action plan that maps a correction list that helps you close the gap between where you are and where you want to be and you know the 20 is going to make most of the progress, and finally

 step four
what do you want to become what do you want to do what do you want to experience? what do you want to contribute what do you want to give what do you want to master so what do you want this year to be about what do you really desire most what do you want to contribute this year?

What's going to be your map and what are?

the rituals are going to make it real please for your benefit don't just read this article do something right at the end here to get you going and get you some initial momentum. if you take action today, you can get anything changed but you got to do it. While you're in state, and I'm saying that if you know anybody that had some goals some dream something they wanted to do and they did it the nice thing that you know in.



Your heart that if someone has done it then you can do it
it's possible and that if someone can make that dream become a reality that it's it's possible that you can make your dream become reality and so as you begin to look at where you want to go beginning to embrace that it's possible I'm blessed.

Highly favored I've got a lot going for me.

I got some good stuff in me and it's possible that I can bring my greatness out here in the universe that I can do what I want to do it's possible I can write my own book I can have my own business I can take the trip and travel around the world it's possible I can bounce back from adversity and reinvent.

my life it's possible regardless of where
I am things can get better for me it's possible I'm thinking about two men right here in Chicago who are fairly successful similar backgrounds educated they, and worked for corporations for many years they were among many people that were laid off.


 two guys who were very good friends one went out looking for a job for several weeks along with the other one and they faced disappointment and rejection again and again and again they couldn't find any work which is. 

The story of many people across this country one guy stopped he became discouraged he, stopped going, he stayed home looking at television became very argumentative and toxic with his wife drinking beer getting on the phone talking to his other negative unemployed friends and he just gave up.

the other guy kept looking for a job everywhere he could go every time he could get an opportunity kept asking people networking checking the newspapers every day kept going everywhere he could trying to find a job you have too much education you are overqualified you won't be here long enough he kept going, he kept going he went to a place and said look I tell you. 

what if you can't hire me and I know you can use my talents abilities and skills? I don't want to sit at home and do nothing just, just let me do some volunteer work. you don't have to give me anything all right I just want to work I want to be busy I said okay.

 it's on you now but don't, don't expect me to give me anything it's so okay This guy came in, and worked he was the first one there the last one to leave was the best employee there about four weeks later one of the top managers quit they were looking for a replacement guest...

Who They selected this other guy this guy who was volunteering his time he got the job what was the difference between the two men's eyesight and mindset yes sight is judging on what you see judging according to appearances but mindsight is how you interpret what you see one guy said it's not possible it's over I'm finished I can't do I it can't make it he's surrender I've faced rejection again and again I'm not going anymore..


there are no jobs out there but this other guy he felt that in spite of the no's and rejections in spite of how bad the economy is in spite of what the newspapers are saying that it's possible that somebody somewhere will give me a job he.

Just kept going thinking it was possible, and guess what ladies and gentlemen that's what we have to do with our dreams because things happen to you in life that you can never ever anticipate and many times when those things happen you want to give up you. 


Also read: Start Your Day Right! Thought of the Day


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