40 The Greatest Psychology Quotes Ever: A Good Person's Life!







If you are looking for quotes about what a good person is according to psychology, you have come to the right place.

This post is dedicated to the best quotes about psychology from what a good person is of all time.

These quotes, which come from famous authors like Martin Seligman, Daniel Keyes, and Charles Dickens, as well as some of the greatest psychology quotes like Freud and Jung, encapsulate the never-ending human need to understand our own and other people’s minds and thoughts. Boldly going where no mind has gone before. Have fun!


Greatest psychology quotes ever!

40 The Greatest Psychology Quotes Ever: A Good Person's Life!

 40 The Greatest Psychology Quotes Ever short!

1. "We should instill a love of reading books, rather than fantastic literature. Knowing "what a few literary masterpieces" Contain is a small accomplishment. It is a huge accomplishment to be inclined to continue reading.

2. "Life is pointless without inter connectedness. The sooner we acknowledge that we are all interdependent, the better. Erik Erikson

3. "Once we begin dreams to "wake ourselves up," that is, to be happier in our activities, we begin to enrich life much more.

4. To address the issues facing human life, we require greater information rather than moral assessment. Because of who we have been, we are who we are.

5. "A great person is defined by their feeling of wanting to develop and assist others, not by their flawlessness.

6. "The core of a great person is feelings, and experiences —the ability to feel and understand others’ emotions without judgment."

7. "If we wish to be great, we must maintain some of our childlike qualities, such as innovation and creativity, before an adult society molds them." –Jean Pia. 

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8. "Being better is a matter of actions;  not mere thoughts; Love is seen as a better action." – Erich Fromm

9. "Did you know that Great people do not. Just do  What's right when it is easy? They do it when it is hard.

10. "A good person. Who practices self-awareness  And regulates his emotional self innate manner becomes a better person." – Daniel Goleman,

11. "Accudent to Psychology.  Goodness is found in the courage to advocate for what is just.  Even when one must do so in solitude." –

12. "A morally good person endeavors to comprehend. Before seeking comprehension from others." – Stephen R. Covey

The Subjectivity of Goodness: Cultural and people Perspectives!

13. "Your opinions, or feelings, every criticizing, diagnosis, idea, and  of anger show a sad need that is not being met." –Marshall Rosenberg

14. "The most important cause of sorrow is not, the situation but rather resistance to it; Pay attention to your thoughts. –Eckhart Toll

15. "When we experience deep pain, we retreat to when we were little children because that is the period when we first realized the taste of losing everything.

It was more than just that. It was at a time when we faced more comprehensive losses than throughout all the other experiences in our lives.

16. "The world is not as clear as you may think. Much of the understanding comes from the way that your mind works." — Kahneman.

17. "Life is a discovery for beauty However, the search comes to an end, and a lovely dangerous activity starts when the beauty within is discovered. – Walia

18. To really find our uniqueness, a lot has to be brought to our table. Then the hard way to find such a person will come right before us. – Jung

19. "People are saying that this; or another person has not, yet met himself. But the thing one has to find is only created." –Thomas Szasz.

20. "Often feel like are missing something. We notice that same thing in someone else. We quickly think that they have all our good qualities and a sense of happiness, too. So, the happy person becomes a
to make a picture of total perfection — which you have made ourselves." –Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

21. "Weakness is attractive; It's not knowing whether; you are winning or losing, but knowing that both are better is giving it your all. -Brent Brown

22. "...The only goal of the human knowledge and experience is to design or picture, publish the darkness of being." Carl Jung:

23. Bad feeling ideas are false, People's nature tend to believe that and it is then simple to think it is wrong them." Sigmund Freud.

Relationships and Community!

24. "Seeks to understand before being understood; a good person builds bridges, not walls." – Stephen R. Covey

25. "Healthy relationships are built on mutual respect. Being good is about actions and empathy." – John Gottman

26. "A good person nurtures relationships, through understanding. Kindness is love in action and patience." – Psychological Wisdom

27. "Connection is why we are here; who practices self-awareness and emotional regulation, it is what gives purpose to our lives." – Brené Brown

28. "Goodness is strengthened; goodness lies in the courage to stand by the community." – Jonathan Haidt

Purpose and Morality!

29. "A life well-lived is a life. Goodness is not a trait but a practice of kindness and honesty lived for others." – Albert Schweitzer

30. "Morality is doing what is right. Good people are those who turn their wounds into wisdom no matter what others say." – Psychological Insight

31. "A good person lives with purpose, uses it to uplift others, and helps others find theirs." – Psychological Wisdom

32. "Goodness comes from aligning, understanding others’ emotions without judgment, actions with core values." – Psychological Principle

33."Purpose-driven people inspire; they do it when it is hard, better in others." – Martin Seligman.


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34. "The not-subjected-to-examination life is not worth living; sees every difficult task or problem as an opportunity to grow." – Socrates

35. "Until you make the minds conscious. It will lead to continuous naughtiness and badness; it will direct your life, and you will call it fate." – Carl Jung

36. "Your picture will become a clear task only when growth and kindness go hand in hand, and you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks at the internal part, awakens." – Carl Jung

37. "Knowing yourself is by their actions and thoughts, words, the beginning of all wisdom." – Aristotle

38."Growth begins with the ability to see that maybe where others see problems, we begin to accept our own weakness." – Jean Vanier

On the Mind and Behavior!

39."The mind thinks everything is everything." Kindness is free but priceless; what you think, you become." – Buddha

40."Our thoughts, kindness multiplies as it is shared and shapes our reality." – William James

41."Behavior is the mirror in which forgiveness is a sign of strength; everyone shows their better picture, not weakness." – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

42. "Psychology helps us understand ourselves. The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself so we can better understand others." – Albert Bandura

43."People do not resist change. Who gives without expecting anything in return? They resist being changed." – Peter Senge.

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Final Thoughts: Embracing the Journey Towards Goodness

So, in a nutshell, being a good person is having good qualities such as sympathy, kindness, and altruism, and doing good, honest, and just actions. 


Goodness is very positive for society and stimulates others to do the same. 


Remember, this path of goodness is a lifetime journey. Reflect on your values and actions constantly so that you can build up a better self and society. What will you do today to be a good person?

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