One of the biggest problems in life is dealing with tough, unsupportive, and draining people.
Is there someone harmful in your life? "signs of a toxic person" According to psychology,
some make our lives better, but others, some toxic people, can make things pretty tough.
"hurt your feelings and make relationships" harder than they should be.
But how can you deal with a toxic person? Anyone, regardless of who it may be.
A timely understanding of how to separate oneself from oneself may be something worth knowing in terms of being able to tackle stress and trauma.
If you are dealing with "signs of a toxic person in a relationship," how do you distance yourself before it’s too late?
7 Signs of A Toxic Person.
In this post, I want to discuss how to identify, stop, and deal with toxic people in your life. You deserve to be surrounded by people you love hanging out with, who support you, and who you like spending time with.
To find out what kinds of people are poisonous, read our article below!
What is a toxic person?
A toxic person is someone whose behavior causes you to feel bad and disturbed.
These people live on causing trouble, spreading negativity, ........
....... and draining the vitality and happiness of those around them.
They are generally distinguished by a lack of empathy, an insatiable desire for attention,
..... and a proclivity to manipulate or damage others for personal benefit.
Toxic people can take various forms and can be found in all aspects of life—whether it's a coworker who continually undermines you,
a buddy who consistently drags you down, or a family member,
partner, boss, co-worker, or even friend—could become a toxic person for good, who manipulates your emotions.
Six foolproof ways to tell that a woman is toxic.
I think every single guy on the planet should read this article, especially after the Amber Heard-Johnny Depp debacle that we all saw online. I think it will benefit all of you to make sure.
Number one.
She's always the victim if she's always pointing fingers, blaming you, and never taking accountability.
It's always everyone's fault but hers.
This is not a good sign and a sign that she's unable to take accountability for her actions, which is obviously not beneficial if you're looking for a healthy, mature relationship.
This is the type of girl that's always going to make you feel guilty, who's going to make you feel like you need to be apologizing for things that you didn't even do simply because of the fact that she can't take accountability for her actions, plain and simple.
It's exhausting to be with someone like this in a toxic situation, where someone is always blaming other people and playing the victim.
There's a really big difference between playing the victim and actually being the, you know, person who was in the right in a situation.
I'm not saying that she can never be the victim in a situation, but I do think that constantly playing the victim or wanting to be the victim and wanting people to feel bad for you and throw a pity party for you is not a good way to live your life and is exhausting to be with someone like that.
Number two.
One of the easiest ways to see things from the very beginning is that they play games...
This is something that you honestly might be able to pick up on from the very start and save yourself some time. I say this all the time on my blog.
If you have been on my website for a while, I'm sure you've read this a million times. If she's playing games with you, this is a sign that she is insecure and immature, and we don't have time for that here, and also this is going to be a window into what the rest of your relationship is going to look like with her.
Which probably is not a healthy, happy one.
I think it's important for me to mention this at some point.
A lot of times, toxic people and toxic behaviors stem from, you know, insecurity, immaturity, but also trauma and also things that we need to deal with and heal within ourselves that a lot of people just don't step up and do. Does it mean that this person is going to be toxic forever?
No, absolutely not.
Does it mean this person is going to be undateable for their entire life? No, absolutely not, but I will say it is not your responsibility to stick around and find out if they change or to try to be the one to change them.
I would not recommend any of you do that in this case of talking about a toxic girl.
It is her responsibility to take ownership of her toxic behaviors, heal herself, and work things out so that, long term, she can potentially be in a healthy, happy relationship.
Number three is that achievement becomes competition.
Being competitive and "competition in general are very normal things" in a lot of aspects of our lives. Maybe you're playing a video game or a board game, or you know you're doing something fun with your partner that gets a little bit competitive.
What is not healthy is when your "achievements become competition," and I found a quote from an article that I want to share with all of you that says healthy relationships are based on a mutual desire to see the other succeed in all areas of life, Carabello says, but when things turn toxic…
Every achievement becomes a competition.
So maybe this looks like she doesn't encourage you; she doesn't support you; she gets upset when you get a promotion at work or when something "good happens in your life" because she's only able to be happy for you if the same thing is happening to her; maybe you just got an A on your exam, but she got a C, so she's upset and mad at you for the fact that you got an A…
There are so many situations and scenarios where this can present itself.
That's just a little example. I wanted to share with you in case maybe you've been in something like that, but again, this can present itself in many areas of our life, whether it be with friendships, work, a promotion, or getting a new job.
I mean, it could be, again, an array of things, but when "achievement becomes competition," she's not supportive, she's not encouraging, she's not happy for you, and she only cares about herself. This is a real issue, and that leads me to my next point here.
Number four is excessive envy or jealousy.
If envy is "keeping your partner from being happy" for your success, this is a big issue, and it's quite frankly toxic when we're talking about jealousy here.
Jealousy is a natural human emotion.
When it leads to constantly mistrusting your partner, snooping through their phone, or crossing boundaries, this isn't a good thing, and being jealous and envious isn't cute. I know it might seem okay in the beginning.
People say, You know, it's healthy to have a little bit of envy or jealousy in your relationships, but again, when it gets to this excessive point or a point where you know you're crossing boundaries and you can't trust each other.
Now if you've given someone a reason not to trust you, that's a totally different story. That's not what I'm talking about here, but say, for instance.
You bring up a story you're telling her something, and there's a girl that you mention in it, and the second that you mention the girl, she absolutely freaks out, even though you've done nothing wrong.
That's exhibited, and again here, if something positive is happening in your life, you would think that your partner would be encouraging and supportive, but if envy is keeping them from being supportive or encouraging of you, "this is toxic."
Number five is that she's controlling.
And again, the last two points that I made have led me to this point, and they're all kind of entwined with each other because often if you know she's controlling, she also might have been envious or jealous.
Does she make you sit on the couch?
when you get home from work so that she can come and take your shoes off for you? But one day you decide to take your own shoes off, and she has a frantic meltdown.
If you watched the Johnny Depp trial, you probably know exactly what I'm referring to here, but regardless of whether you watched that or not, generally speaking,
Here controlling behavior is toxic.
Being controlling of your partner is not healthy, point-blank. Period. Does she control who you hang out with, who you talk to, what you do on a daily basis, and how you take your shoes off? If you take your shoes off, I know that's a crazy example, but this is just proof that it happens.
Of course, setting boundaries within your relationship is really important, but setting boundaries and being controlling are two very different things, and my last point here is money. Does she try to get you to buy a Birkin even though you just met her? If so, she's probably toxic...
Does she only talk to you when you're buying her something or taking her out? Remember here. What you allow is what will continue.
I really want to highlight here that it's toxic to spend tons of money to impress a woman, but it's also toxic when a woman is only using you for your money if she makes you pay her in order to send her a text message again.
If she's asking for a break on the first date.
if she's asking you to fly her out and take her shopping, and that's the only way she'll talk to you, it's probably a sign that this girl doesn't have your best interest in mind and only wants to see what's in your wallet, and if you're in a relationship or married, the same kind of money rule applies here, but it might just look a little bit different.
Have you agreed on a budget, and she goes behind your back to buy things anyway? Does she cross the boundaries that you've agreed on when it comes to finances?
These are conversations that you need to be having, and in order to have a healthy, happy relationship, you have to make sure that you guys are both respecting each other's boundaries and not consistently crossing them, or that leads to toxic behavior...
like this all right, guys, so to wrap.
it up here, again, I think a lot of toxic behaviors stem from insecurity and maturity trauma, you know, not taking charge of our mental health, so I think it's really important to make sure that you're looking for these things when you're looking for a potential partner when you're dating, even when you're in a relationship and married.
These are six foolproof warning signs.
that you need to look out for, and again, I'm not saying that just because she does things, she is the scum of the earth, the worst person on the planet, and she's never going to be dateable,
but it just might require her to again step up, take charge of herself, and stop doing these toxic behaviors. Let me know in the comments if you guys have ever experienced any of these things.
If there's anything I missed, please be sure to let me know and help some of the other guys out in the comments.
What are the signs of a toxic person?
Here are some warning signs of a toxic person to look out for. Warning signs of a toxic relationship:1. If you believe you're dealing with signs of a toxic person:
2. Have you ever felt that you are being forced into doing something that you do not want to do?
3. The signs of a person's behavior constantly confuse you.
4. You believe you are entitled to an apology, yet none is forthcoming.
5. You will always have to justify yourself to this person.
6. You never feel completely at ease around them.
7. You always feel horrible about yourself in their presence.
If you have had these feelings around someone, warning signs could be harmful.
If you are continuously experiencing such emotions, you may wish to reconsider the relationship, or end it and totally separate yourself from those toxic people in your life.
Also read: - 20 Signs of a Toxic Person Psychology
Also read: 14+ Psychology Tricks To Read People's Mind Like A Book
How to eliminate toxic people from your life.
Let them know how you feel. Although you don't owe them an explanation, this is probably for your own sake. Create a safe distance between you and them. Set really tough boundaries. Don't get sucked into a crisis. Spend time with nice people. Talk to someone. Forgive but never forget.
This article is helpful remember to set those boundaries be firm and do your best to keep a distance between yourself and these people. for your own well-being if you enjoyed this article don't forget to hit the share comment below for more content thanks so much for reading.
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