best thought for school assembly 6




The best thought for a school assembly - successful person, you only see the public glories, never the private sacrifices to reach them you see.

We frequently simply consider the outcome and the associated public acclaim when we consider successful people and their accomplishments. We don't often witness the toil, devotion, and sacrifices they had to make to accomplish their objectives.


Successful good people often have to make many sacrifices in their personal and private lives. facing rejection and failures, and pushing themselves beyond their limits.  And such as working long hours, sacrificing time with loved ones, and investing their own money, and resources. These sacrifices are often hidden from people's view. and only known to the individual, and those closest to them.

Hence, it's crucial to keep in mind that success isn't always simple or quick, and it frequently has a cost. And the devotion and effort that successful people put into their accomplishments should be acknowledged, and respected, because it takes effort, perseverance, and sacrifice to achieve one's goals.



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