50 Good Thoughts About Life In One Line Two Words Of Wisdom

Albert Einstein - once said that he didn't have time to write a short letter, so he wrote a long letter.  most wise and most beneficial. it takes more time to condense our thoughts down into something that's succinct and to the point. Here and there the heart sees what is undetectable to the eye. ( Good thoughts about life in one line?) that change lives.

Imagination is more important than knowledge true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination is everything it is the preview of life's coming attractions there is perhaps. no stronger trait that one could have than that a strong imagination is everything because without it we cannot create anything new imagination is the preview of life's coming attractions.
without it, we are guaranteed to repeat


The same patterns make. (like donkeys) the same mistakes and live the same life over and over again.

There are no limits there's no limit to what we could attempt limit how high we could soar how big we could dream sure our dreams might end in the dust.

If they don't would you rather live having tried to reach the life you want or die with regret we need to let go of our need to fit in fit into this small box society placed?

we must imagine the life we really want.
when we are certain what that life is we have to go for it we only get one shot at this miracle of human life live it fully and exactly how we want sure we all have dreams.

The problem is most people stuff their dreams.

in the closet when things get hard when life presents challenges most people turn to what they know to turn to what is easy but the easy road and the known will never lead you to your dreams.

There are only two ways to live your life.

one is as though nothing is a miracle the other as though everything is a miracle he who can no longer pause to wonder.

Stand wrapped in all is as good.

 as dead his eyes are closed it really is that simple really is a choice no matter the circumstances of our life we can choose to see everything around us as a miracle.

The very fact that we are here in a human body.

said to be a one in four hundred trillion change very few of us believe we are a walking miracle sadly so many people are walking around living in their heads pessimistic about the future and bitter.

The past so much so that they are missing the miracles.

 in the present open your eyes and open your heart to the magically, around you the miracle of humans.

Animal life the miracles of nature the miracle of you.

what you're really capable of when you let go of caring what other people think of you choose from this very moment on in your life to seek and find.

The miracles around you and great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.

Albert Einstein - says that only things are guaranteed.

in life are death and taxes you can add to that list the possibility to please everyone simple fact is when you want to change as in when you better.

Want to better your life there will be opposition.

unfortunately, that opposition is most likely to come from people close to you many people won't like your advancement because it will remind them of their lack of it.

 many people won't agree with your direction.

 because it will remind them of their lack of it no matter what or who the opposition you must stay true to yourself and true to yourself.

What is right do the right thing by others.
most importantly by yourself those who matter will come around eventually and for those who don't matter live your life with purpose and intention full of spirit.

Make apologies to mediocre minds for dreaming.

living big we can not solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them insanity.

The same thing over and over again.

expecting different results yet we must dream big yes we must try new things but if life is not going the way you planned perhaps it is time to try a different approach you don't need to change your goal. but you.

You might need to change the road.

you take to get to. it never stops learning and developing yourself you will find a way person who never made a mistake.

Never tried anything new fact that you're committed.

to grow to learn more and be more almost guarantees you will make mistakes and fail somewhere somehow along.

Way remembers it is only considered a failure.

though if you give up keep at it learn the lesson and allow it to serve you don't let anyone discourage you because of mistakes.

It is a guaranteed trait of all winners.
curious seekers learn from yesterday live for today hope for tomorrow the important thing is not to stop questioning curiosity.  

Own reason for existing have no special talents.

we are passionately curious never stop questioning everything in your life be so present and in touch with yourself.

You can feel when it's time for change never lose.

that childlike curiosity to learn more develop more and discover more never lose hope. that is yours.

Better is yet to come never lose that knowledge.

you are a miracle never lose that presence that not many people have strived not to be a success...

Rather be of value add value wherever.

whenever possible not just in your work life but in all interactions with everyone then you will be a success you will have more riches than money can buy.

Good thought One Line Quotes on Life  Inspirational Words of Wisdom

good thoughts about life in one line

The crowd always moves on those paths, moving on the path. The man who finds the easy way, But not right. Running in the crowd is not necessary, Which is correct.

Choose your own path because you are better than yourself, none of you publicly, The foundation of the person who believes in his own strength is strong, Make your own roads themselves.

No hurricane can stop him, he can not stop you will reach your destination.

Numerous individuals are regularly defied with undertakings that convey a great deal of valuable time to them.

The price of greatness is a responsibility, The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.

Best Inspirational Words About Life One Line 

 In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life, it goes on.

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated, Go confidently in the direction of dreams, 'Live the life you have imagined.

Change is the law of life, those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future, Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.

Life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about, Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood...

Every creature is better alive than dead, humans, moose, and pine trees, he who understands. it aright will rather preserve its life than destroy it, the price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.

The only disability in life is a bad attitude, don't let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was.

Inspirational Words of Wisdom thoughts for life?

Arrogance diminishes wisdom, Trespass - Star War thoughts

Wisdom. The path to that wisdom is your life, The guide on your path is your body, for it does not lie, If the body holds hidden wisdom, we will need a way to gain access to that.

Wisdom. the mastery of others requires strength, mastering yourself is true power, to know others is intelligence, Knowing yourself is the dawn of genuine...

we just need to be looking for it: -the truth is, we can find wisdom and inspiration from many different people and places.  

"In the world, No one escapes pain, fear, and suffering,  Yet from pain can come wisdom, from suffering can come strength,  from fear can come courage, if we have the virtue of resilience. 

Being wise is about being sensible: Patience provides the wisdom to proceed forwards at the right time on the right terms.

5. This thought and arrangement are through the ID and end of existing issues.

 The possibility of ​​brainstorming in the job of an item, administration, process, and so forth.

 Assignment invert figured conceptualizing, ought to give clear responses to questions,

6. Instruct with an intuitive movement

As per another college drove think about, understudies who execute ideas comprehend them all.

 the more profoundly and who perform preferred on tests over the individuals who work alone with hypothetical perception.

 7. Learning from the philosophy utilizes the quick viable use of the subject, including territorial treks;

 virtual reproductions, research facility visits, and gathering exercises.

8. Cause a piece of figuring out how to team up

Communitarian ventures are an incredible method to build up an understudy's equal, time the board and association abilities. 

The exercises of the gathering can incorporate discussions, introductions.

reports, and meetings to generate new ideas with the goal that understudies can help comprehend.

what they are doing and what sort of upgrades are required...

9. Recognize the qualities and shortcomings 

If an understudy plainly demonstrates a capability for dialects.

 additional curricular exercises ought to be energized as speakers and discussions.

 Then again, if an understudy is battling with a specific subject, for instance, variable-based math.

 extra learning assets can be imparted to the understudy through a wiki space class.

 10.  Apart from this, understudies can gain from one another while giving right open doors like evaluation gathering ventures.

11. Practice PC-empowered learning propensity

Learning PC-empowered causes understudies to utilize information quicker and gives top to bottom finding out about the subject.

 12. From recreation to online devices, the PC gives a wide assortment of learning assets.

 rather than learning challenges, enables understudies to comprehend the subject at a serious dimension.

making them quicker and quicker. It helps in keeping, which is useful for both the instructor and the understudy.

Let us constantly meet each other with a grin, The most significant thing on the planet is family and love.

 "Here and there the heart sees what is undetectable to the eye. great considerations for line life 

1. The future 'depends' on this issue. That is the thing that we as of now do. "- Mahatma Gandhi

2. "Winning dependably: does not mean being the principal." Winning implies that you are showing improvement over previously. "- Bonnie Blair 

4. Never leave whatever you truly need. It is hard to pause, yet sorry 'much' is hard to lament. 

5. "I never contemplated achievement" in the fantasy. 
I worked for it. There was one thing in me, the craving to get, Asti Louder 

6. Try not to surrender, because the start is dependably the most troublesome. 
"Achievement is the whole of little 'endeavors', rehashed in the day, and out" - Robert Collier 

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Click here super thought of the day for school assembly tops ten

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