16 Dark Psychology Tricks in Crime: What Should Be Illegal

Techniques that someone can use to make you obsessed with them are extremely toxic.

If we think about crime, most often, one imagines such actions as theft or physical violence.

But suppose I told you that some of the most lethal criminal weapons are not lethal punches or shootings but rather mind games?

Dark psychology is a field of psychological research that delves into the dark side of human behavior.

Some of these techniques are so insidious and extremely toxic that they can feel like crimes themselves; still, many remain legal.

Dark Psychology Tricks in Crime:

In this article, we will outline the dark psychology that criminals employ to play tricks on people, where the victim ends up entrapped, cheated upon, and helpless.

From the denial of your memory or perception of an occurrence to attraction, these methods should make us alert and question.

Why are some types of manipulation not even considered, researched, and weighed meticulously?

Whether you're curious, concerned, or just very interested, keep reading to understand how dark psychology can change general relationships into dangerous traps.

Dark Psychology Tricks Crime That Should Be Illegal!

In this article

  • 1: Introduction to Dark Psychology in Crime
  • 2: What Is Dark Psychology?
  • 3: Why These Psychological Tricks Are Dangerous
  • 4: How Gaslighting Manipulates Reality!
  • 5: Love-Bombing: Controlling Charm
  • 6: Malignant Narcissists Destructively!
  • 7: The Power of Silence: Stonewalling
  • 8: Emotional Blackmail and Control
  • 9: Financial Control as Psychological Warfare
  • 10: Fear Tactics and Intimidation
  • 11: Coercive Persuasion and Cult Psychology
  • 12: Influence of Media in Psychological Manipulation
  • 13: Why Aren't These Practices Illegal?
  • 14: Six manipulation tricks that will make a master of controlling!
  • 15: How to Recognize Dark Psychology Tactics!
  • 16: How Can We Protect Ourself and Others?
  • 17: A call for legal action!
  • Conclusion: Protecting ourselves and society

Also read: The 25 Dark Psychology Tricks of Love Bombing Secret


A woman in an orange top ponders deeply, her finger resting on her chin. Above her, a thought bubble reads Dark Psychology Tricks—a crime that should be illegal—set against a stark black background.

1. Introduction to Dark Psychology in Crime!

Dark psychology has just begun to gain traction as scholars and the general public have started to view the ethical boundaries of effective persuasion.

Psychology is all about assisting people, but there is a negative side where psychological abilities are utilized to harm a person.

This discusses those sneaky, manipulative tricks used in crimes—the individual ones and sometimes those coming from bigger systems—
that are too alarmingly effective and could be against the law.

2. What Is dark psychology?

People use them when they have a wish to manipulate others. and control them. 
What makes humans weak and take unfair advantage of weaknesses?

A person uses dark psychology techniques to take advantage of other people's weaknesses for his or her own good or pleasure to gain control. 
Which they do to fool people, and we end up getting fooled.

For example, someone who uses a map, not to guide you, 
but to lead you down a dangerous path—this is dark psychology tricks crime into action…

3. Why these psychological tricks are dangerous?

Can feel things that cannot be seen but leave lasting scars.

These tricks target emotions, how you think of it or the impression you have of it, reality, and reason one that is injured;

or destroyed, cheated, or fooled, to question their thoughts, age, gender, mental health, decisions, and even their sanity.

They are also dangerous because they are not always noticeable and not easy to discern.

or else they happen in relationships, workplaces, or societies. 

The following tricks illustrate some examples of psychological

manipulations that should be believed as crimes…

Also read: 15 Unbelievable Dangerous Dark Psychology Facts Tricks

4. How Gaslighting Manipulates Reality!

A person undergoing gaslighting experiences a profound form of control through which their reality becomes questionable.

The confusion caused by gaslighters creates an altered reality for their victims.

The gaslighter gains complete power to draw the victim further into the relationship.

People can modify their perception of reality whenever someone distorts or rejects factual information.

Continuous application of these techniques produces serious mental distress.

Which leads to anxiety and depression as well as self-doubt.

Gaslighting serves as an illegal and undiscovered offense while actively harming the victim's life.

5. Love-Bombing: Manipulative Charm!


I define love-bombing as an approach by which someone offers excessive praise to other people while giving large amounts of gifts.


A charismatic individual usually engages in this method outside societal borders.


People who have deceived others expect unique treatment as well as blind obedience from others.


Love-bombing develops toxic characteristics when users exploit love as a method to gain full dominion over their targets.


Due to emotional dependency, victims find it challenging to detect manipulative behavior and remove themselves from toxic conditions.

Also read: The 25 Dark Psychology Tricks of Love Bombing Secret!


6. Malignant Narcissists Destructively!

The narcissistic conditioning process turns individuals into focusing on what manipulators want.

Unless it goes against their own wants.

Non-stop provision of punishments Praise and criticism develop typical narcissistic reactions.

A victim is unable to do anything because they think they deserve abandonment.

Have no power to stay with their manipulator unless the manipulator allows it.

The sneaky approach makes one lose their capacity to maintain independent self-reliance.

BPD makes them believe that their weird thoughts are the most genuine about reality.

Individuals suffering from such diseases require immense care and are consistently in need of praise from others.

If a person is suffering from this type of mental disorder, then they are also unaware of the feelings or emotions of other people.

Narcissistic: Deviously condition you to self-sabotage!

We familiarize ourselves with Pavlov's work through his experiments.

The continued ringing of the bell with food as a reward makes dogs salivate when the bell is rung even if no food is given.

Because the bell has become a stimulus related to food.

More destructive and toxic ways of conditioning.

People have more common and abusive relationships than classical methods of conditioning.

I refer to this phenomenon as destructive conditioning since it lingers on positive.

Life-affirming aspects with physical and emotional abuse and wrongful judgment.

7. The Power of Silence: Stonewalling!

  • Stonewalling, or giving someone the silent treatment, is a common destructive manipulation technique where a person refuses to give conversation to the other. 

  • Its purpose is to isolate the victim, making him or her feel unworthy and desperate to come to a truce or settle a dispute. On, however, it looks harmless, but it has really a form of psychological torture that makes the person feel to leave behind or run away from someone or to give up something and is worthless.

 Silent treatment stonewalling? 

  • Stonewalling can be defined as the shut-down communication behavior of turning away, withdrawing, or emotionally disengaging in a conversation or interaction with the partner. 

  • It usually features one partner giving silent treatment, preventing something from happening eye contact, or not allowing yourself to do something due to a lack of responsiveness.

8. Emotional Blackmail and Control!

  • Emotional blackmail is the attempt to achieve a goal by emotionally manipulating another party. It finds its center mostly in the threat: "If you do not do this for me, something bad will happen." The study claims that psychological violence may do even more harm compared to other types of violence.

Deal with emotional blackmailing?

  • Emotional blackmail arises when a person uses guilt, fear, or coercion towards anyone else to dictate their behavior. It is often used in personal relationships but is also common in workplaces and a group of people living together.

  • Victims of emotional blackmail may continuously be trapped in circles of emotional state of needing, where they tend to find themselves incapable of breaking, free from the manipulator's tight grip.

Validate your emotions!

  • In response to emotional blackmail It is just as important to be able to listen and accept the feelings provoked by the aggressive and manipulative behavior of the other side to understand that usually one gets offended, feels guilty, or simply disagrees. disagree in such situations. Allow yourself to feel and work through these feelings.

Set boundaries.

  • Set clear boundaries and communicate them strongly and tightly with a generous nature. Let the person know what you will and won't tolerate. Stand by your boundaries, even if they try to guilt or manipulate you.

9. Financial control as psychological warfare!

  • Financial control is a quiet but powerful way to manipulate someone. One person who depends on sustenance, ESP financial support, who can use resources, making the other person dependent on them.

  • Financial abuse keeps victims in relationships by limiting their potential to leave or be independent. To my mind, it is a form of control that is rarely checked on but which, from a certain perspective, can badly damage one's ability to move about safely.

  • The planned use of propaganda and other activities intended to affect how the opposing groups think, feel, act, and behave is defined as psychological warfare.

  • Financial controls are the procedures, policies, and means by which an organization monitors and controls the direction, allocation, and usage of its financial resources.

10. Fear tactics and intimidation!

  • Dark psychology techniques: fear can be used to silence or control people. Underneath something personal, relationships, or larger groups, people take advantage of someone's weakness to work on creating a good judgment of fear and obedience in one's life.

  • This can include threats, stalking, or overt intimidation techniques. Though much intimidation that occurs is illegal, it remains unchecked, and many go unreported because of the fear of later retribution.

  • Fear is used to dominate or have an important effect on people through fear tricks and intimidation.


  • A strategy that uses fear to make a person agree or believe by arguing or showing evidence that they have to act urgently and follow the rules. Intimidation can be either in terms of words, actions, or any kind of behavior.

  • It can be threatening, insulting, harassing, bullying, naming, yelling, shaming, or even spreading rumors. It hurts emotionally and can make someone alter how he acts and decides.

Fear techniques!

  • It is a way of talking to make people act quickly and agree because of fear. Usually, fear tactics come with a solution to prevent the danger. Intimidation is both a civil and a criminal offense, unless it serves a legitimate purpose.

11. Coercive Persuasion and Cult Psychology!

  • Coercive persuasion is the process of trying to get people to change their beliefs, ideas, attitudes, or behaviors by using psychological force or pressure, threats, and/or stress.

  • Another perspective, of course, is a dramatic one; it has shown in cults or groups of high control over people that the latter act or believe in extreme ways.

Loyalty is achieved through seclusion. 

  • Copying and the use of pressure on the individual, which in turn deindividualizes him or her into becoming a loyal person for the manipulator or the group. 

  • Cult psychology is some of the most advanced, and terrifying uses of dark psychology to function in present-day society.

12. Effect of Media in Psychological Manipulation!

  • Subtle messaging and repetition through media can easily change one's opinion, attitude, and behavior.

  • While not always malevolent, the media controls people by propogating stories that maintain and then fashion thought and behavior.

  • The lines about persuasion and manipulation tend to become blurred, especially when media is used in terms of altering what people think for personal or company benefit.

What is media manipulation?

  • The items of manipulative media and information include programs and apps used by teachers, and students to manipulate new information. It aids learning as they are able to analyze, evaluate, and produce new information through manipulative media.

13. Why aren’t these practices illegal?

  • The above example shows how the legal system seldom has a convincing concept of psychological manipulation because it is tricky to prove and quantify hurt done psychologically.

  • While psychological abuse can be as damaging as physical abuse, it is hard to legislate because it creates no record.

  • However, gaining awareness and knowledge means that, one day in the future, such types of psychological abuses can be treated seriously and are considered more as crimes.

  • Illegal practices refer to any activity, or trade done on a property that breaks any national, or provincial laws, or any local rules or regulations.

14. Six manipulation tricks that will make a master of controlling! 

  • Using these tricks can have different effects on people. It's important to consider how your actions may impact others and choose your responses wisely.
  • 1. When someone says sorry to you, don't; just say no problem, say thank you, and they won't do it again.
  • 2. If you laugh at someone who harasses you or bullies you, that person will be so ashamed of themselves.

  • 3. If someone asks you to do something you know what time it is, nod your head, and let's say yes.
  • 4. To stop someone from yelling at you for having a bad day.

  • 5. If you desire to prevent a man from speaking, let him hear a noise that a thing has fallen; drop something on the ground. Having picked it up, interrupt them.
  • 6. If you want to capture everyone's attention, look at the sky and shock; it will create a commotion. You must know.

Also read: 20 The Psychology of Mind Tricks That Actually Work

15. How to Recognize Dark Psychology Tactics!

Being aware of dark psychology tactics is the first step toward protection. Many of these techniques are disguised as normal behavior, making them difficult to identify. But understanding these signs can help us recognize controlling behavior before it takes root. 

Here are some signs:

  • 1. Feeling confused or doubting yourself regularly, especially after conversations or interactions.

  • 2. Experiencing a loss of self-confidence or feeling increasingly dependent on another person.

  • 3. Noticeably altered behaviors or perspectives that do not align with your usual self.

  • 4. A sense of isolation, either due to someone discouraging social connections or through emotional distancing.

16. How Can We Protect Ourself and Others?

  • Though these psychological tricks are really strong, awareness, education, and self-confidence work brightly in the ability to protect against attack, as is something used to protect against attack or harm. Here are some effective ways to guard against manipulation:

Build strong personal boundaries!

  • Understanding and asserting your boundaries can make it more difficult for manipulators to do something to a person or thing that affects you.

  • Learn how psychological manipulations are done so that you get to identify them in the outside world.

  • Give consideration to applying self-monitoring and focus on the changes that happen to you and your reaction to certain situations. Be careful of changes in your behavior and feelings.

  • In case the person is experiencing a situation where you think you or someone close to you is being manipulated by techniques, then they should consult friends, immediate family, or even a professional.

17. A call for legal action!

Many argue that society should no longer ignore the real and lasting damage caused by psychological manipulation.

Just as physical and emotional abuse are recognized in legal frameworks, advocates suggest that certain forms of psychological manipulation should be made illegal or at least actionable in a court of law.

Cyberbullying and psychological harassment in the work environment are slowly becoming a subject of legislation nowadays, but there is still a long way to go to address these manipulative techniques that occur in intimate interpersonal client-provider interactions.

In the meantime, social awareness has to be created. In this paper, information about the tactics and techniques of dark psychology will be provided so that people will be able to identify when they are being manipulated and will be able to act accordingly.


Protecting Ourselves and Society!

Critics may claim that dark psychology is included in the constitution or necessary character evil of society, but they try to expose the real negative effects of such actions.

Thus, only by identifying these strategies do we, firstly, not allow oneself to become victims of such manipulation, and secondly, do not allow oneself to break down and try to turn to the law for help.

Educational measures are the starting point to make everyone resistant to the toxic effects of dark psychology on our personal freedom, independence, and mental health.

If you got this far please comment using the ‘100%’ word below to state that you learnt something new from this article. As always do not forget to read the other recommended articles that you see on this post right now.

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